FSA Educational Hub
Tools for FSA cooperators and the farmers & ranchers they serve
The knowledge you need to make the most of USDA FSA programs. From funding basics to advanced tips, we’re here to help farmers and cooperators understand, apply, and succeed.
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Getting Started with FSA.

Your complete guide to getting started with USDA's Farm Service Agency.

Some of the benefits you receive:


35+ hours of free educational content to empower your success.

Introduction to FSA

Learn how to get started and the benefits of joining an FSA program.

Hurricane Response Resources

Our hearts go out to all of those affected by the recent hurricanes and tropical storms. We have gathered resources that may help aid in recovery efforts.

FSA Learning Resources

From farm loans to disaster assistance and urban agriculture resources, this hub provides the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and get the most from your FSA.

Dairy Farmer checking FarmRaise on tablet
FSA Farm Loan Programs

Learn about FSA Farm Loan Programs, including how to prepare and apply.

Healthy crops on right side of image and unhealthy crops on left
FSA Disaster Assistance Programs

Learn about FSA Disaster Assistance programs, including how to prepare and apply.

Micro farm example
Urban Agriculture Resources

Learn about urban farming best practices and the USDA resources at your disposal.

Your FSA Toolkit for Success

Explore easy-to-use tools that help farmers track, apply, and manage USDA programs with confidence.

Record-Keeping Toolbox

Use this tool to begin or upgrade your record-keeping practices!

FSA Program Discovery

Use this tool to discover FSA programs based on filter criteria of your choosing.

LIP Decision Tool

Use this tool to help prepare for an application to the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP).

ELAP Decision Tool

Use this tool to prepare for an application to Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, & Farm-raised Fish program (ELAP).

Crop acreage calculator

Many FSA and USDA programs require producers to file crop acreage reports that document crop growth and intended use on your farm or ranch. Since not all crops are created equal, FSA has created an easy way for producers of specialty crops to fill out these reports!

Learn about new changes to Farm Loan Rules

Find out what’s new in our talk with the FSA Administrator.

Interview with FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux

FarmRaise CEO, Jayce Hafner, sits down with Zach Ducheneaux to discuss the FSA Disaster Assistance programs!

Watch Now
FarmRaise CEO, Jayce Hafner, interview with Zach Ducheneaux

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